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I called it "bundle" because it has everyone's freebies inside! or mostly.

You don't need be hurry or worry about its expired date, because there isn't. The only thing expired prob is the day you unsubscribe from Hello, Uniques. You won't be able to get new update. But otherwise it should be good! But I also don't want you to let it sit around in your laptop forever or somewhere in the cloud. So spend sometimes go around it.

The main purpose of this vault was beside obviously who love freebies as much as I do, but also a chance to discover what you would want! I always the one who don't know. Do you know what you want to do for your career? I don't know...A lot of things I don't know but people keep expected I knew😂. So hopefully, this vault some kind of helping you in discovering what is really of future product you'll be getting from, or the brand that you just about to purchase to from, to get to know the brand, the product, or simply or understand the what PLR would look like, discover the variety of products (digitally).

Happy Discovering!

Hello, Uniques

ps. Excuse for my long writing paragraph haha.

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